Helpful Links & Numbers, access to our local Primary Care Network and Community events.

Symptom Checker

Addiction & Mental Health

Patient Handouts
Patient Care Handouts help you to take care of yourself or someone else after you’ve seen a healthcare provider,

COVID Self-Assessment

Up-to-date information about medicine that’s easy to understand. It will tell you:
what the medicine is for
what you need to know when taking it
when you should see a doctor

Child and Parenting
Find the right service for you, near you.
We want all families to feel confident, informed and supported as they ask questions, make decisions, and navigate parenthood.

About immunity, safety and diseases protection
Your secure connection to personal health data. Access Immunization, medication and lab records all in one place.

Family Violence Info Line
Poison & Drug Information Services
Kids Help Phone (Youth Counselling)
Addiction Services Helpline
Mental Health Helpline
Primary Care Network
We're a friendly team that – in collaboration with your family doctor – works to maintain your current good health, manage health challenges, and prevent issues from becoming serious.
We do this by offering free workshops, and access to health specialists like RNs, LPNs, dietitians, psychologists, and family counsellors.